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"A little about my achievements over the past Six years, I have entered quite a few competitions and been involved in a few things on the television. I think my greatest claim to fame so far, is my appearance on Sky's Landscape artist of the year in 2021.

Although I didn't win, it was a fantastic experience which I will never forget"

My latest achievement is that I will be opening a pop up gallery in January 2025


Castleford Art Space


At the beginning of January I will be opening the old Argos unit in Carlton Lanes Castlefortd as a pop up gallery! This is the biggest thing I have ever done within my Art journey and when an opportunity lands on your lap you have to run with it.  Sometimes things happen for a reason (I believe) and this is one of those times.

Myself and another felt artist Emma are organizing artists and makers to join us in this huge space, to fill it with everything creative. 
This has all come about from when I had my art in the window in the summer, within Carlton Lanes, the same company who organised that rang me and asked if I would be interested in doing this, well yes please. It has landed at a very busy period when other artists have already committed to other things so its been tricky to co-ordinate everyone. 



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Within a very small space of time, (from the 23rd November) we are now hanging our work with an opening date of the 4th January 2025 this is a preview opening with the official opening the weekend after on the 11th January 2025.
I have created a Face book page that updates when we have any news to share, if you would like to follow it is called Castleford Art Space.

I recommend that you come and have a look when we open, we will be offering workshops and demonstrations plus obviously lots of art work which includes, glassware, felting, ceramics and an artist who creates using wood. We only have while March.


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Paint Boxes


My love of gouache paints made me want to share the experience to others and so I designed and produced the Paint Box.

A kit with everything needed to produce an image to grace a home. Each kit is linked to my Youtube channel where you can paint along with me, learning, paint brush  skills, paint application and many many more.


Having spent 16 years within a graphic design roll enabled me to create artwork for the front of the boxes, making them pleasing to look at. 

These paint boxes are selling very well and an item I am proud of.


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Developed my You Tube Channel


I began 2024 with starting a You Tube channel which I was terrified of doing, talking publicly is not a strong point, but as the year has progress it’s a strength I now have, pushing myself has defiantly made me grow.  

I began by doing a tour of the Yorkshire coastline, starting in Robin Hoods bay.


My You tube channel has grown too, I started in January with 25 follows I now have 287 so that I think affirms that I must be doing something right! My Robin hoods bay video has now had over 1.3 thousand views.


I have now over 100 videos with many more planned

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Sell to wholesale

I decided to give wholesale a go, I have never tried it before but the people who organize the Art in the Pen were holding one at the same venue. It was the first ever show they had held of its type. I realized that it was not for me after discussing with gallery owners who visited the show, but I guess you don't know if you don't try?


Began You Tube channel

So over the years I have created a few time-lapse videos of me working and I decided to create my own channel on Youtube

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Selected for exhibition at the open art competition 

I entered a competition to take part in the open art competition which was held in conjunction with Patchings. My work was selected and was exhibited at Patchings in Nottingham. Although I didn't win it was recognition that I was on the right path with my work.

Appeared in a magazine

So since the birth of my grandson I have been painting him non stop and it was from one of this paintings that got chosen by the painters on line magazine that my Isaac made an appearance. I was asked to write my full process of how I painted him.

Attended Art Walk Wakefield

My third time of attending the Art Walk Wakefield evening and maybe my last? Not that I don't enjoy them and promoting myself and my work, but I believe that the art walk team are taking a break for a while.

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Attended Holmfirth Art Week

My first time exhibiting at Holmfirth art week, set in the beautiful Holmfirth. I have never been to Holmfirth exhibition let alone took part before. I was surprised at the different abilities on show, you don't need to be a professional, anyone can exhibit. I was pleased with what I showed but maybe next year I will stick to a figure as I didn't get a sale.

Self Portrait Prize 2023

Ruth Borchard Collection

So I created this portrait for my entry to Sky's Portrait artist of the year, but I wasn't selected, so I decided to enter it for the Ruth Borchard Collection self portrait prize and did get a selection. Not a winner though I am afraid, but it does appear in the online gallery.

Art in the Pen

Okay I say it ever year, but this was the best Pen I have ever produced. I had another fabulous year with many sales and met many lovely people. I now have return customers or people who just turn up every year to say hello.


Became a full time artist

So this year I made the leap to become a full time artist and gave up my day job of 16 years. A very scary thought as the country was now in  a state with people struggling to live. This was also the year me and my husband became grandparents for the first time.

Launched my turn from nature series

I could now spend far more time on my art work and I gave myself time to practice my work. I really pushed myself into concentrating my efforts into this body of work, which was a huge success.

Turn from nature

Entered the Holly Bush emerging woman painting prize 

I started to enter painting competitions this year as I felt my work had progressed enough. I entered the Holly Bush emerging woman painting prize (what a mouthful) and made my way to be short listed. Thrilled and delighted are two words that came to my mind, its always good to have affirmation that you are taking the right path in life. The piece was one from my Turn from nature series called the Moth

Began to give demonstrations

Its strange when you say to people how nervous you are at the thought of speaking to a large crowd, they expect you to be able to perform. But I did perform and I found that I knew quite a lot about what I was talking about.


Art in the Pen

Well I had a fantastic year this year, my 'pen' looked beautiful, the best one yet. I always enjoy this event, meeting such interesting people and discussing art. I met a really special lady, called Rosemary, from Rosemary and Co brushes. A genuine lovely person with great taste in art. I made many sales and went home a very happy girl.






Appeared in the local newspaper

Appearing in the local paper I felt a sense of pride, even though it

was to promote my self I felt I have archived something.       











Appeared on Sky’s Landscape Artist

of the year

I came down to the last 3 in my heat. What a remarkable day and

one I will never forget. For more information visit my blog page












Attended Wakefield Art walk

I attended Wakefield art walk, but this year, I was actually there,

no Covid rules. My venue was the magnificent Wakefield

Cathedral my work looked wonderful set amongst all the history

of the Cathedral. Such a great evening and such a good turn out

of people who visited many artists all within a walking distance of

Wakefield center.




Gallery representation

This year I began exhibiting in galleries:

Art Original Gallery Ridings Centre Wakefield

Pomfret Gallery Pontefract

The Gate Gallery Doncaster














Exhibited at Art in the Pen Skipton

My next appearance at Art in the Pen, I realize on reflection that

the work I exhibited was a real mish-mash I had landscapes,

figurative work and illustration. So I learnt another lesson, show

people what you do and do it well, create a cohesive body of work, although I did have a few sales. 

















Volunteered at Queens Mill Castleford

(gave free art classes to the elderly) We as a nation were coming

out of yet another lock down and during that time, I began what

it felt to be lonely. I was still working the day job and working form

home, which was so isolating

and so when we came out the other end, I decided to volunteer

my services to the elderly and give free art classes.











So this was the year of my launch into the art world, or so

I thought, like so many things everything was cancelled,

because of the big C...COVID


Facilitated workshops at the Queens Mill Castleford

At the beginning of 2020 before the world shut down, I held my first ever portrait workshops, teaching not only portraits but oil painting. Its amazing how much I learned form this experience. My confidence was growing, and I really enjoyed the experience.



Selected to exhibit at Art & York as a raw talent Artist

I was selected to take part in a mentoring scheme that ended with a exhibition at York races at the end of the year, unfortunately this was cancelled


Selected to exhibit at Art in the Pen Skipton

I was selected again to take part, but yes, it was cancelled.




Created an NHS Hero portrait

 One of my proudest portraits I have ever painted. Click here for the full story









Took part in Wakefield Art walk

My first ever Art walk happened during the Covid times and so

this was the compromise, the Wakefield organizers printed out work

and exhibited it around Wakefield in shop windows.






Exhibited Art in the Barn, Batley.

This was my first ever show and if I remember right I didn't sell anything, but it did teach me a lot.

1 - Originals sell better than prints

2 - I learned what a browser was

3 - Wrong location for my work

4 - I need to wear more pink




 Exhibited Art in the Pen Skipton

My first ever exhibition at Skipton and I really enjoyed the experience, I went with the intention of just working out how to represent myself. Having to stand in front of your work and discuss it is was a bit nerve wracking but I did it and I think it went quiet well. I did sell one original, my first ever sale, and the lady still buys work form me now.

I also discovered that I was the only figurative artist in the whole exhibition, which made my work original and stand out from the crowd.



Appeared on the One Show

This appearance was more that I was in the right place at the right time. I saw a request on face book asking people who grew up around Ferrybridge Power station to get in touch, and I did.

The opening piece is my voice, which was very strange, It was basically my take on the demolition of the power station and my reaction to it.

The full film is available on my you tube site here


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I appeared on Sky's Landscape artist of the year

as a wild card. This episode was filmed at Fountains Abbey in the moon gardens, with lots of rain.

This was my first experience of not only working outside but been filmed and the first time that Stephen Mangan interviewed me.


Filming, and my fellow wild card contestants



Me looking smug, because the painting session was over and the sun began to shine

The finished painting, I dont know if you have ever tried to paint in oils whilst its raining, and with a strong wind, blowing your pallet away, its not easy.

The finished painting was disastrous 

Dawn Blatherwick Artist Logo

Dawnblatherwick Artist, Yorkshire Artist Original Art. Portrait and Landscape 

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