UA-128772271-1 Workshops | dawnblatherwick
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  I will be offering 4 monthly courses in 2020

I want to offer you the ability to have basic skills is sketching and drawing which is the basis of every truly great painting. You may have great rendering, painting techniques but if your portrait or Landscape isn't accurate it will always be a disappointing finished piece. 

I have created 4 courses 2 of which are drawing and only 1 day the other 2 are using oil paints which are set over 2 days. Oil paint is the medium I use and I would love to walk you through my process....


So lets get creating

For more depth into the courses click here

Located at the Queens Mill Castleford

Yearly Workshop Calender 2020 dates.jpg
If you would like to book a course, but not on line, please contact Dawn first to check for availability Then print of the booking form and send a cheque with deposit directly to Dawn.
Dawn Blatherwick Artist Logo

Dawnblatherwick Artist, Yorkshire Artist Original Art. Portrait and Landscape 

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